Helotes Expunctions / Non-disclosures Lawyer


After a criminal proceeding is concluded, whether a trial, plea bargain or dismissal, the record of the charge remains on your record. You could still have trouble passing background checks for employment, apartments or professional licenses. In some circumstances you can be eligible for non-disclosure orders or expunctions which can limit or even erase the information regarding your prior arrest.

“The expunction is going to change my life. Everything will be less difficult. I appreciate Mr Fiegel’s attention to detail and hard work.”

- Manny P.

Expunctions/Non-Disclosures Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible for an expunction or non-disclosure?
You are not eligible for either if you are convicted of the crime. If your case was dismissed, you were acquitted or you did a pre-trial diversion you have a chance to be eligible for an expunction. If you were placed on deferred adjudication, you may be eligible for an order of non-disclosure.
How long do I have to wait for an expunction?
If your case resulted in an acquittal you can apply immediately. If you were arrested but there were no charges you have to wait a certain time frame depending on which level of offense.
How long do I have to wait on applying for an order of non-disclosure?
For most misdemeanors you can do it right after your sentence on deferred adjudication is complete. For some you have to wait 2 years. For felonies you typically have to wait five years
What is the difference between an expunction and a non-disclosure order?
Expunctions are literally an eraser with the agencies that have files related to the arrest and criminal charges. The arresting agency, jail, district attorney’s office and the Department of Public Safety are all ordered to shred and remove their documents related to the case. Orders of non-disclosure are just as they sound. They order no reporting of the alleged crime but don’t serve to erase the records themselves.

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